16.00 - 18.00 Registration (>20.30)
20.30 - 21.00 - Apéro de *Bienvenue* OFFERT (sur place)
21.00 - 02.00* Evening Milonga - DJ Marc TOMMASI, France
14.00 - 19.00* Day Milonga - DJ Lorena DIJI, France
14.00 - 19.00* Day Milonga - DJ Lorena DIJI, France
22.00 - 03.00* Evening Milonga - DJ Ricardo PEIXOTO, England
14.00 - 19.00* Day Milonga - DJ Tina FERRARI, Italy
14.00 - 19.00* Day Milonga - DJ Tina FERRARI, Italy
19.00/20:30 - SNACK 'DINER' (sur place)
20.30 - 01.30* Evening Milonga - DJ Céline DEVEZE, France
+ EXTRA-DAY > Long Monday (with the 1st NOV./FREE)
12.00 - 18.00* Day Milonga DESPEDIDA - DJ Jan HENRICK, Germany
18.00 - 19.30 - Apéro *Despedida* OFFERT - SNACK 'DINER' (sur place)
*With FULL PASS => SOFT DRINKS/SNACKS/SWEETS & DIPS, free & included during all the week-end.
**FORMULES : SNACK 'DINER' Sunday + Despedida not included (extra with special offer in the formulaire of registration).
SNACK DINER GOURMAND - OPTIONS : Sunday 30/10 & Monday 31/10
- PLANCHA DUO (2 pers.) | Plancha Charcuterie 19.00€ (9.50€/pers.) ou Plancha Fromage 23.00€ (11.50€/pers.) ou Plancha Mixte à partager 25.00€ (12.50€/pers.) & pain (cold cuts, cheeses & bread).
- PASTA & BREAD (1 pers.) | 1 assiette de pâte au choix du chef avec pain (Chef choice past plate with bread) PENNE PESTO ou PENNE NAPOLITAINE => 19.00€.
=> Registration section | INSCRIPTION
The registration will start on 26th May 2022, 22:00.
The registration will start on 26th May 2022, 22:00.
TANGO CLOTHES > NUDApassione DRESS & SCARPE TangoLeike, Savona (IT)
TANGO SHOES > Is coming
Très en vogue & apprécié des Encuentros (planning complet), nous accueillerons 'Jean-Marie' aux doigts d'OR ! Digitopucteur, il se fera une joie de vous soulager vos divers maux, douleurs (pieds, épaules, dos, etc...) pour vous permettre de mieux profiter de la qualité de l'événement ♡ Que du bonheur* !
Very much in vogue and appreciated by Encuentros (full schedule), you will welcome 'Jean Marie' with golden fingers. Digitopucteur, who be delighted to relieve your various pains (feet, shoulders, back.....) to allow you to take better avantage in quality of the event ♡ Pure happiness* !
* Faites attention, réservez sur place rapidement (listing), le planning des trois jours est toujours complet ! Be careful, take it on place quickly (listing), the schedule on the 3 days is always complete !
Mandelieu-la-Napoule City, Côte d'Azur. |